The dojo serves as a safe space to lean into your edges, liberate yourself from fear-based behavior patterns and activate your unique gifts while being held by a variety of master facilitators and celebrated in community.
The dojo is a dive into the unknown, a space of trust and co-creation where the emergent alchemy of the group dictates the flow of the experience.
You'll leave embodied in deeper trust and higher confidence as you receive the freedom that exists only on the other side of a lived trust fall.
All tools are on the table to facilitate the breakthroughs whether that be hot-seat coaching, sound healing, astrological activation, distance healing, dance, song, prayer, inner child work, play, meditation, live channeling, improvisation, etc …
Including the invitation to share YOUR OWN GIFTS if that’s what’s being called forward in the space.
WE are creating this experience of soul-level LIBERATION, together.
Courage – in the face of fear
Willingness – to be radically vulnerable and transparent
Playfulness – as we release inhibitions and stretch beyond our edges
Devotion – to go ALL IN physically emotionally and energetically in support of yourself and all those in the space
Confidentiality – a vow to keep all that occurs within the container 100% confidential